medical spa

Even though a medical spa in the state of Illinois is owned and operated by a physician and follows all the same rules as a medical office, a medical spa is not your typical physician’s office.  A medical spa is a doctor’s office specializing in non-surgical cosmetic treatments to improve a patient’s appearance.  These treatments are by and large not superficial treatments, but they are more invasive and, therefore, usually more effective than what is offered in a day spa or cosmetologist to treat cosmetic concerns.

A medical spa offers medical grade treatments, procedures, and products to treat a variety of aesthetic medical problems.  Your typical doctor’s office offers treatments, procedures and medications for general medical problems.  They are similar to each other in that you have a consultation with a physician to treat a problem, yet are different in the following ways:

These are at least five reasons to check out what a medical spa can do for you.  Improve your health by visiting a doctor’s office focused on improving your health from the outside-in.  For more information about Nicole Norris MD Medical Spa, visit or call 815-780-8264.