
There are many benefits that you can experience by exfoliating your skin on a regular basis. The frequency with which your skin can be exfoliated depends on your particular skincare needs as well as the type of exfoliation that you choose. For example, if your choice of exfoliation is a chemical peel, a light peel can be performed about once a month to help you keep a healthy complexion. Each method of skin exfoliation comes with its own benefits. When determining the right one for you, you have to think of your own personal skin care needs. Dermaplaning is an excellent choice for those who are looking for a simple, chemical-free way to exfoliate their skin.

The basic process of dermaplaning involves using a scalpel to very gently scrape the outermost layer of skin away. At first, this idea may make you feel a little bit nervous. However, when you choose to receive this treatment from one of our trained professionals, you can expect to experience healthy and beautiful skin with absolutely no discomfort.

What Are the Benefits of Dermaplaning?

One of the benefits of choosing dermaplaning over other types of exfoliation methods is that this treatment can get rid of unwanted peach fuzz on your face. The scalpel will be very gently feathered across the top layers of skin, removing peach fuzz that can interfere with the look of your skin and the way makeup can be applied.

Another benefit that comes from dermaplaning is that it does not involve any harsh chemicals. Some individuals such as women who are pregnant may not be the best candidates for a treatment chemical peel. However, since no harsh chemicals are used during the process, most people will qualify for the treatment.

What Can I Expect?

Each dermaplaning treatment session is very quick. You can come into our office and have the treatment performed in as little as 20 minutes. The treatment comes with no downtime, irritation, swelling or bruising. We will give you detailed instructions on how to take care of your skin after your treatment, including the importance of applying a sunscreen.

Scheduling a regular dermaplaning session each month is a great way for you to maintain healthy and beautiful skin. This treatment can be used to help those who are dealing with premature aging, uneven skin tone, and a wide variety of other skin issues. We are pleased to serve Ottawa and Princeton with this popular treatment at Nicole Norris MD Medical Spa. Contact our office in Peru to schedule your first appointment!