Always worrying about hair removal can become frustrating. Then, you have to be concerned with the irritation that often comes from other forms of hair removal like shaving and waxing. The cycle seems endless! But, there is an easier and less painful way. With laser hair removal, you can get rid of unwanted hair for good with zero downtime. Here at Nicole Norris MD Medical Spa in Peru, IL, we can help.

Where Can You Get Laser Hair Removal?

There are a number of areas in which unwanted hair can often be a concern for many people. However, if you do have an area where unwanted hair is an issue for you that is not mentioned below, do not hesitate to let our staff know! They will be able to take a look at the region and determine whether or not this treatment could be beneficial to that area or areas as well.

The Legs

This is probably the most popular area for this treatment as removing hair on the legs can take up a lot of time. You can choose to remove unwanted hair on the legs via this treatment either on the top of the legs, the bottom of the legs, or the entire leg region. With this treatment, you’ll never have to worry about unwanted hair on the legs again so you can always be ready for any occasion!

The Arms 

Unwanted hair on the arms is probably a more common concern than you may realize. Many people have chosen to shave unwanted hair on this area only to realize that it came back thicker and even more of an issue. With this treatment, you can ditch any unwanted hair on the arms and never have to give it a second thought again.

The Underarms 

The sensitive region under the arms is one of the areas that are most likely to suffer from irritation because of other types of hair removal such as shaving. Irritating razor bumps not only can be uncomfortable but can make the skin look unsightly. With this treatment, removing unwanted hair from under the arms will never have to worry you again, or the irritation that can accompany it.

The Upper Lip

Having unwanted hair on the upper lip is another common concern for many. This treatment will take care of that unwanted hair without yanking it out, causing irritation. It will ensure that the unwanted hair on this region never returns, leaving you with smooth skin you can feel confident about.

The Bikini Region 

This area can also become irritated via shaving or waxing and that can be frustrating. This treatment, however, will get rid of any unwanted hair on this sensitive region without any pain or hassle. You can be confident regardless of the occasion and never again have to worry about removing unwanted hair here again. The area will be smooth.

The Back 

Dealing with unwanted hair on the back can be particularly irritating because it can be hard to get to on your own. Oftentimes, those who have unwanted hair on the back have to have it removed via painful waxing. With this treatment, unwanted hair on the back will be a thing of the past. You will be left with smooth skin and lots of confidence after opting for this treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. Does Treatment Hurt? 

Not at all! This treatment works by only targeting the hair follicle and does not affect the skin around it so you do not have to be concerned with any pain. Rather than yanking the hair out from the root, it heats the follicle and essentially kills the unwanted hair at the source. There is no pain that you need to be worried about as this treatment is totally painless!

2. Is This Safe? 

Of course. Not only has this treatment been performed and perfect for many years, but it is also approved by the FDA. Also, our exceptional staff is highly skilled at performing this treatment so that it is not only safe but highly effective.

3. How Long Does a Treatment Session Take?

The amount of time that this treatment will take is going to depend on the area in which you are having treated. Typically, most sessions last for about 30 minutes with a 1-hour session being on the longer end. This is not one of those treatments that is going to take a long time to complete. It is quick and effective and you can get right back to your day as soon as you are finished with your treatment session.


Get Rid of All Unwanted Hair Today for Good

Are you finally fed up with the endless cycle of hair removal? If so, laser hair removal is an option that will make your life a lot easier.  The treatment is completely painless and is able to deliver results. There is also absolutely no downtime required after this treatment! You can be free of unwanted hair and ready for anything. Come and see us today at Nicole Norris MD Medical Spa in Peru, IL where our experts will help you reach your goals!