
Ten years ago, a mother considering a “Mommy Makeover” Sculpsure Peru, after surrendering her body to a few pregnancies, would mean a visit to a plastic surgeon. The good surgeon would recommend abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and liposuction of legs and arms. This would be followed by a surgery under general anesthesia, no work and no heavy lifting for 1-4 weeks and 3-6 months for full recovery. Most mothers are hesitant to commit themselves to this much down time, let alone risks of surgery and pain when they are first and foremost committed to motherhood.

In the last 5 years, non-surgical body contouring has become a much more realistic option for busy moms. Sculpsure™ is a laser that specifically targets fat cells resulting in permanent fat destruction in the treated area. Sculpsure Results are impressive with patients losing 24% of the fat in a treated area after just one treatment. There is absolutely no downtime after the procedure. A busy mother can, for instance, have the procedure during naptime, pick up the kids from the sitter, get groceries, make dinner, and after the kid’s bedtime ritual, still make it to the gym. There are no concerning side effects or adverse reactions expected. The only contraindications are pregnancy, breastfeeding, and untreated hernias or sores in the area to be treated.

There are many technologies, often advertised on such websites as Groupon, that masquerade as legitimate body contouring devices. SculpSure™ is the only laser FDA-approved for non-invasive lipolysis of the abdomen, flanks, back, inner and outer thighs. SculpSure™ is superior to all other body contouring devices in safety, efficacy, and cosmetic results.

Dr. Nicole Norris at Nicole Norris MD Medical Spa in Peru, IL offers Sculpsure™ to her patients. “As a busy mom myself, I started to research non-surgical body contouring about 3 years ago. Of all the body contouring technologies, Sculpsure™ was the only one that I felt was both safe and effective enough to have done myself. I brought SculpSure™ into my practice 1 year ago and was the first person treated. After years of working out, trying to eat healthy and never losing an inch around the middle, I was on cloud nine when I treated my core twice and lost 4 inches and went down two jean sizes. SculpSure™ works, is safe, accommodates busy schedules, and most importantly improves self-image.”

SculpSure™ is ideal for patients who eat healthy, exercise and can maintain their weight. It is most effective for treating areas of stubborn fat. It is not for weight loss and typically not performed on patients with a body mass index greater than 30-35. On average, 80-90% of patients have an area of stubborn fat treated twice separated by 6 weeks. About 10% treat an area more than twice. After the first treatment, the destroyed fat cells are cleared by the body over the course of 12 weeks. Most patients experience their full result about 12 weeks after their second treatment. Because SculpSure™ uses laser energy, there is some degree of skin tightening that occurs with the fat destruction so loose skin after fat reduction is not seen. The most commonly treated areas of fat include the abdomen, flanks, thighs, back and arms.

“Patients need to know that this procedure is not meant to be comfortable, but it is tolerable. My nurse or I are always in the room with the patient during the 25-minute procedure to assess how they are doing. The four laser heads have refrigeration systems built in to keep the skin cold while the laser beam is penetrating to the fat. The laser energy cycles every 15 seconds for 21 minutes. It is funny to me that some of our female patients describe this sensation of cycling warmth as “a little like early labor.” Everyone has a different tolerance to heat so some people are on their smart phones the whole procedure and some are focused on their breathing,” adds Dr. Norris.

Nicole Norris MD Medical Spa is offering a Free SculpSure™ Consultation to anyone who wants to learn more about Sculpsure Peru and to see if they are an appropriate candidate for this non-surgical Mommy Makeover. Mention “Mommy Makeover” and get $500 off a Sculpsure Peru Core package or SculpSure Thighs package through August 31, 2017.