
Have you ever noticed that there are some features that can take a very attractive person and make them look almost completely unattractive? For example, there are a lot of individuals out there who most would agree are attractive, but they have a double chin that detracts from their appearance. These individuals may be at a perfectly healthy weight. However, no matter what they do, they simply cannot get rid of the fat that is under their chin. Individuals in this situation may decide to turn to Kybella®.

Kybella® is an exciting injectable formula that is administered under the chin. The interesting thing about this product is that it uses some ingredients that naturally occur in the body and help to get rid of fat. This means that most individuals react well to the product and are able to reach their goals.

One of the reasons why more and more individuals are asking about this injectable solution is because the alternatives that are available to get rid of a double chin are quite invasive and come with a lot of risks. For example, there are different lifts that can be done in order to help a person to deal with sagging skin on their neck and face and in order to get rid of fat. Liposuction is typically used in combination with a neck and facelift in order to help a person get rid of their double chin. All of these things have a variety of risks that an individual must consider. Also, there is usually a lot of downtime associated with liposuction and surgery. An individual may feel unsatisfied with the results that they have after going through an extensive surgery and recovery process. However, with Kybella® injections, an individual will be able to get rid of the fat under their chin and feel happy with the results.

One of the things that is important to mention is that Kybella® is not used as a weight loss solution. It is designed for individuals who have worked hard to maintain a healthy weight or who have lost weight. However, no matter what kind of exercise routine they try or what kind of diet they go on, their double chin just stays.

After using Kybella®, the fat that is under the chin will be completely dissolved. Those fat cells will never return. With that being said, an individual will need to be careful about maintaining a healthy weight after using these injections. There is no guarantee that they will not gain weight under their chin again if they begin to lead an unhealthy lifestyle and consume more calories than is proper for their body.

So many people have been satisfied with Kybella®. They have been able to say goodbye to their double chin and restore an attractive appearance. For many, it has been a confidence booster that has allowed them to get out and try new things. We encourage you to visit Nicole Norris MD Medical Spa in Peru to learn more about how this product can benefit you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!