The best way to lose your double chin

Have you ever looked in the mirror, only to have your gaze drawn downward, where you wince at the site of the fullness under your chin?  Has your second thought been rather negative toward close family members who handed down their genetic trait of an enlarged fat pad in this area?  Has your third thought […]

Laser hair removal: liberate yourself from unwanted hair

Are you tired of shaving, waxing, plucking, or electrolysis of unwanted hair?  Can you imagine almost never submitting to these tortures again?  A simple solution is yours for the taking! Laser hair removal is the 4th most popular procedure done in non-surgical cosmetic offices across the United States. The science behind laser hair removal is […]

Sculpsure for non-surgical body contouring

The shape of your body is one of the hardest things to define in a favorable way. Fat deposits tend to be the most common reason for this, as some seem to persist no matter how much exercise you do or dieting that you undergo. The reason for this is simple: some areas are more […]

How can dermaplaning benefits me?

Dermaplaning can help patients who’re dealing with excess facial hair or breakouts. When seeking solutions to these problems, a lot of people consider microdermabrasion or laser hair removal. The problem is that these procedures don’t offer much relief. A popular alternative is dermaplaning, and it can work well for individuals who aren’t getting results from […]

Diminish your facial lines with dermal fillers

As we get older, we begin to notice unwelcome skin changes due to the aging process. Fine lines, wrinkles, dry skin, and sagging skin are unpleasant aspects to growing older that most people view as unavoidable. The truth is that there are relatively new treatment options available that are minimally-invasive and work well. If you […]

What are medical grade chemical peels?learn more about this treatment.

Medical grade chemical peels are an amazing option for individuals who are looking to reverse sun damage or other minor or major imperfections in their skin. These chemical peels allow you to remove dead skin cells and address fine lines, hyperpigmentation and unwanted freckles in a safe and effective way. They are extremely controlled treatments […]