Is extra fullness beneath your chin aging your appearance and making you look heavier than you are? Wouldn’t it be great if you could slim down and re-contour your lower face permanently? An amazing treatment called Kybella can do just that. This treatment, which is offered by Nicole Norris MD Medical Spa in Peru, IL, offers visible results in just a few weeks!
What Is Kybella?
Kybella is the only injectable treatment approved by the FDA to get rid of submental fullness, which is the medical term for a double chin. This treatment is capable of tightening and toning the skin in the chin area. Patients love it because it is a non-invasive treatment that is easier and more convenient than cosmetic surgery.
This treatment uses deoxycholic acid, a substance that is found naturally in the body, to destroy fat cells. We’ll inject the acid into your chin area during your appointment, and that acid will start breaking down fat cells. Your body will naturally flush those fat cells out in the weeks to come. Most patients need a series of treatments, each of which is scheduled about a month apart, to fully resolve the issue.
How Quickly Does It Work?
It takes time for your body to dispose of those destroyed fat cells, so your results will appear gradually during the four to six weeks after your appointment. Most patients like the gradual onset of results, which ensures that they never look like they went and had a cosmetic treatment performed. You’ll simply look like you’ve been taking great care of yourself and naturally slimming down.
What Are Treatments Like?
Each Kybella treatment takes about 15 minutes and is performed in our office. We may make some light marks on your skin as we map out where the injections will be performed before starting. Some patients feel tiny pricks as a series of brief injections are administered, but there is no discomfort.
We’ll provide you with more specific aftercare instructions on the day of your injection, but we ask most individuals to refrain from massaging the treatment area. Rigorous exercise is also not recommended immediately following your appointment.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
Most patients need two to four treatments to achieve their full results. In some cases, six treatments are needed.
Am I a Candidate?
You’re Struggling With Submental Fullness
Patients who seek out this treatment usually come to us because they have been unable to get rid of submental fullness through diet and exercise. This part of the body is particularly difficult to slim down, and this treatment offers a proven solution. The ideal patient has a moderate to severe amount of submental fullness.
You Meet Certain Health Criteria
This treatment is safe for almost every adult age 18 or older, as long as the skin in their chin area is healthy and free of infection. But patients who are pregnant or who have bleeding disorders are not candidates.
You Want a Non-Invasive Treatment
One of the great things about this treatment is that it allows patients to tone and slim their chin area without the hassle and downtime associated with cosmetic surgery. Kybella is also a nice option for patients who are not surgical candidates. If you’re looking for a convenient way to improve your profile, this treatment is for you.
Treatment Q&A
What Causes Submental Fullness?
There are many reasons why individuals develop submental fullness. For some patients, the problem is genetic, and they have simply inherited the family chin. Lifestyle choices and poor posture that weakens the neck and chin muscles can also play a role. And for many of us, submental fullness is something that develops as we age and our skin begins to lose its tightness.
This treatment is particularly effective for patients who are genetically predisposed to submental fullness.
Can I Eliminate Submental Fullness on My Own?
A healthy lifestyle can help keep your skin and your body in great shape, but it can be difficult to completely eradicate submental fullness on your own. That’s why this treatment is so popular!
Is This Treatment Just Performed Beneath the Chin?
The chin area is currently the only part of the body that Kybella has FDA approval to treat.
Is Kybella Suitable for All Skin Types?
Yes! This treatment can be safely performed on all skin types and ethnicities.
Is This Treatment Ever Combined With Others?
Yes! Patients who take advantage of Kybella also frequently incorporate treatments like dermal fillers, Botox, or microneedling into their cosmetic plans. During your initial consultation, we’ll evaluate your skin and talk with you about what you are hoping to accomplish. We’ll then devise a treatment plan just for you, and we’ll advise you on the timing of various treatments.
It’s Time You Put Your Best Face Forward
Are you ready to put submental fullness in the rearview mirror once and for all? Maybe it’s time you gave Kybella a try. This amazing treatment can slim down and re-contour your lower face, helping you look younger and healthier! Call Nicole Norris MD Medical Spa in Peru, IL, today and book your initial consultation!